Images of The Sun
The Sun
small image in visible light
10k gif
sun visible light
162k gif
A huge eruptive prominence leaving the sun
261k gif
203k jpg
6000k tiff
X-ray image of the Sun
172k gif
X-ray image
174k gif
X-ray image from Yohkoh
sun x-ray light
177k gif
another x-ray image
103k gif
sun hydrogen alpha image
190k gif
sun (blue)
140k gif
region around a sunspot
216k gif
July 91 eclipse by Steve Albers (
431k gif
143k jpg
total eclipse from 1977
322k gif
637k gif
an nice eclipse image showing prominences
14k gif
another nice eclipse image
145k gif
eclipse image showing prominences
74k gif
sun 6
230k gif
sun 7
160k gif
solar magnetic fields
170k gif
X-ray images of the Sun from Yohkoh
ftp directory
Flare in H-Alpha
160k gif
Post Flare Loops in H-Alpha
223k gif
Hedgerow Prominence
49k gif
Loops Prominence
76k gif
78k gif
Red Corona taken in Fe 13 line
141k gif
Solar Activity due to sunspot cycle
210k gif
Sunspot Group showing granulation
335k gif
White Light Solar Image
171k gif
Solar Disk in H-Alpha
159k gif
A diagram of the Sun
233k gif
108k jpg
5000k tiff
Solar corona and a prominence
174k quicktime
The xray Sun over 27 days
Nov 94 Eclipse
15000k quicktime
3100k mpeg
Video clip from
Our Star the Sun
- The Sun's past -
5000k AVI
Video clip from
Our Star the Sun
describing the Sun -
14000k AVI
Corona Animation showing solar prominences
1200k AVI
3d movie of convection
1000k mpeg
Other Resources
Current solar images (updated daily)
eclipse images and movies
ftp dir
from Goddard;
from NOAA;
from Bernie Verreau
... Sun ...
Bill Arnett
; last updated: 1995 June 18